Address : 147 Wakefield Road, Scissett, Huddersfield, HD8 9HR

Six Month Smiles

We can help you to achieve a beautiful smile by straightening teeth, no matter what your age. Six Months Smiles teeth straightening system uses tooth-coloured wires and brackets which make them much less visible then traditional fixed
metal braces.

We will offer you a free initial consultation to assess your teeth and the
appropriate course of action tailored to your needs. This could include the
6-Month Smiles teeth straightening system, fixed ceramic braces or transparent aligners depending on your choice and what will work best in a particular situation.

Why Choose Six Months Smiles?

  • Almost invisible
  • Average treatment time of only six months
  • Typically less expensive than traditional braces, aligner therapy, or veneers
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Fast and predictable treatment length

Tooth-Coloured Braces FAQs

Teeth straightening can often be quicker than you expect to, with some patients treatment lasting as little as 6 months.

As long as you want your teeth to remain stable in their new, straight position it is advisable to wear retainers. Not wearing a retainer means there is a risk of relapse of the teeth.